
Call for Papers


Four main themes will be given prominence at ELF3:

A.     The sociolinguistics of ELF: theoretical issues arising from the study of ELF in relation to language variation, and language and identity.     

B.      The methodology of ELF description: issues concerning the collection, analysis and interpretation of data.                                  

C.      ELF and language policy: issues concerning the development of multilingualism in Europe and elsewhere.                                        

D.     ELF and language education: the implications of descriptive work for the design and implementation of teaching programmes.


Apart from four plenary sessions, the conference programme will consist of four colloquia, each dealing with one of these themes.



In order to facilitate focused participation, the main body of the conference will consist of colloquia. Each of these is intended to be a forum, with discussion to be prompted by presentations of two kinds:

1. Visual presentations (VP)

Each VP (in the form of poster display) will be given 5 minutes for introduction during a colloquium plus substantial time for subsequent viewing and discussion in specially designated slots.

2. More conventional papers (P)

These will be of 15 minutes duration plus 10 minutes for discussion.

Both visual presentations and papers are considered to be integral parts of the colloquia concerned.


We look forward to receiving your proposals for either VPs or Ps on any of the four themes as described above. You can submit (individual or joint) proposals via our online form:


Please provide a title and an abstract of no more than 200 words and indicate which of the four themes you will be primarily concerned with. Clearly state the central issue that you wish to address. You are also asked to choose the format of your presentation, either visual presentation (VP) or paper (P).


Closing date for submission of proposals: 15 November 2009


Confirmation of receipt of your submission will be sent automatically, and notification of acceptance by the end of December 2009.

Please direct any enquiries to the conference e-mail address: <elfconference@univie.ac.at>

ELF Conference 2010 | Spitalgasse 2 | 1090 Wien